A personal depiction of the Cuban exiles through the monuments of José Martí captures the enduring spirit of a community displaced yet steadfast in upholding its cultural heritage and revolutionary ideals. These monuments stand not just as tributes to a revered figure but as symbols of resilience, unity, and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of freedom and justice. Each statue, each plaza tells a story of sacrifice, of longing, of the relentless pursuit of a homeland that exists both in memory and aspiration. Through these monuments, the Cuban exile experience is etched in stone, a timeless reminder of a people's unwavering determination amidst adversity and displacement.
Legacy in Stone
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Author’s Selection Store
Author’s Selection was created to not only sell my photos but also to build an interactive space. Each month, I carefully choose one photo from my collection, which ranges from my earliest to most recent works, each significant in my photography journey. The focus of Author’s Selection Store is to ensure high-quality photos by printing on archival-grade paper, signing each print, and giving it a unique number. Thank you for choosing my images for your collection.